[Start: 06.12.2024 - 18:00 UTC+1] [Exp: 66x Dynamic] - Dragon Island [Season 6]
[Start: 06.12.2024 - 18:00 UTC+1] [Exp: 66x Dynamic] - Dragon Island [Season 6]
Rejestracja / dział Download są już dostępne.
Zapraszamy wszystkich na jutrzejszy start. Serwer będzie włączony od godziny 19:00 a moby pojawią się o 20:00.
Registration / Download section is now available.
We invite everyone to tomorrow's start. The server will be on from 7:00 p.m. and mobs will appear at 8:00 p.m
Dragon Island oficjalnie wystartował. Zapraszamy wszystkich do gry!
!!! Ważne !!!
Odpalaj grę poprzez Launcher.exe - jeżeli gra nie startuje, śmiało możesz odpalać przez main.exe
Jeśli PS Antihack wyświetla komunikat „xxx file is modified” - oznacza to, że coś zmieniliśmy i musisz uruchomić Launcher.exe, aby zaktualizować klienta.
The Dragon Island server officialy started. Join Us!
!!! Important !!!
Please run game via Launcher.exe to stay up to date. If your game doesn't show up after pressing Game Start, you can start game via main.exe.
If PS Antihack says "xxx file is modified" - that means we changed something and you need to run Launcher.exe to update game client.
Boost for newcomers
Every new Character will get following:
-Seal of Ascension 3 Days
-Scroll of Battle 3 Days
-Pet Panda 3 Days
Join Us!
Registration and Download section are now available!
Registration: https://dragon-island.com/index.php?id=register
Download: https://dragon-island.com/index.php?id=downloads
See you on Friday, April 19, 2024 at 18:00(Server Time)
Boost for new players! Each new player will receive:
--Pet Panda 3 Days
--Seal of Ascension 3 Days
--Seal of Wealth 3 Days
--Scroll of Battle 3 Days
--Scroll of Defense 3 Days
This is the perfect opportunity to quickly hit your first few resets.
Join us!
Dragon Island x30 - 14.06.2024 - 18:00 (Server Time)
Client is ready to download and you can register your account now!
Join Us!
(12.06.24, 14:33)scytz Sorry Mr DragonIsland, all of us are waiting for GoldMU new edition launch already, just to let you know, cheers and good luck! 8-)
(12.06.24, 14:33)scytz Sorry Mr DragonIsland, all of us are waiting for GoldMU new edition launch already, just to let you know, cheers and good luck! 8-)